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REPEAT cashmere is part of THE REPEAT GROUP, a family company founded in 1978 in Switzerland by Joe and Claire Tugendhaft. Their passion for premium materials and the concept of "affordable luxury" were the basis for REPEAT cashmere's early success. Today, REPEAT is one of the leading labels for high-quality, knitted apparel.

We gladly provide additional information and images for editorial use. Please contact us via our contact form or send us an email at

REPEAT cashmere is part of THE REPEAT GROUP, a family company founded in 1978 in Switzerland by Joe and Claire Tugendhaft. Their passion for premium materials and the concept of "affordable luxury" were the basis for REPEAT cashmere's early success. Today, REPEAT is one of the leading labels for high-quality, knitted apparel.

We gladly provide additional information and images for editorial use. Please contact us via our contact form or send us an email at