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Work at REPEAT cashmere

REPEAT cashmere is part of the Repeat Group, the market leader in Europe's luxurious knitwear segment, based in Geneva. We are a growing and dynamic business that prides itself on the spirit and professionalism of its employees worldwide.

The Repeat Group continually seeks to attract leading professionals who are entrepreneurial by nature and thrive within a flat, performance-orientated organization. The teamwork among REPEAT cashmere's employees is the foundation of the company’s success.

Please send your application, accompanied by your C.V. to

Wholesale sales agent for Sweden and Denmark

Click here for more information

REPEAT cashmere is part of the Repeat Group, the market leader in Europe's luxurious knitwear segment, based in Geneva. We are a growing and dynamic business that prides itself on the spirit and professionalism of its employees worldwide.

The Repeat Group continually seeks to attract leading professionals who are entrepreneurial by nature and thrive within a flat, performance-orientated organization. The teamwork among REPEAT cashmere's employees is the foundation of the company’s success.

Please send your application, accompanied by your C.V. to

Wholesale sales agent for Sweden and Denmark

Click here for more information