Corporate Responsibility

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Corporate responsibility

As an internationally active company, THE REPEAT GROUP is highly conscious of the social and ethical aspects of its business and takes into account the impact of its business activities on society and on the environment. Find out about our code of ethics and conduct guidelines below.

We currently employ 100 workers in 5 countries of 8 different nationalities, aged between 20 and 70 years. In addition, we work in close collaboration with over 1100 companies throughout the world. Cultural diversity, tolerance, equal rights and respect are an important aspect of our corporate culture.We consider it essential that companies should accept social and ecological responsibility and we also expect our partner companies to share this conviction.

As an internationally active company, THE REPEAT GROUP is highly conscious of the social and ethical aspects of its business and takes into account the impact of its business activities on society and on the environment. Find out about our code of ethics and conduct guidelines below.

We currently employ 100 workers in 5 countries of 8 different nationalities, aged between 20 and 70 years. In addition, we work in close collaboration with over 1100 companies throughout the world. Cultural diversity, tolerance, equal rights and respect are an important aspect of our corporate culture.We consider it essential that companies should accept social and ecological responsibility and we also expect our partner companies to share this conviction.

What does social responsibility mean for REPEAT?

We consider the ethical principles on which our decisions are based in the economic, ecological and social areas of activity to be the foundation of the future. Treating people, animals and the environment with respect, as well as protecting resources for future generations are the cornerstones of our actions.It is important to us that we should shape our social environment in a positive manner and ensure that our business actions have as little impact on the environment as possible. We constantly endeavour to consistently reduce the use of raw materials, energy, water and chemical additives by implementing the latest developments and technologies.

We consider the ethical principles on which our decisions are based in the economic, ecological and social areas of activity to be the foundation of the future. Treating people, animals and the environment with respect, as well as protecting resources for future generations are the cornerstones of our actions.It is important to us that we should shape our social environment in a positive manner and ensure that our business actions have as little impact on the environment as possible. We constantly endeavour to consistently reduce the use of raw materials, energy, water and chemical additives by implementing the latest developments and technologies.

How does REPEAT integrate its corporate responsibility into its business activities?

Our claim has always been that we offer our customers the highest level of quality at reasonable prices whilst always bearing in mind our corporate responsibility. This influences the corporate decisions that are made and our choice of suppliers and partners. We have strict criteria in this regard that are in line with our corporate principles. Environmental protection, fair working conditions and social justice are therefore also the prerequisites for our cooperation partners. The essential standards of behaviour for our business practices are consistently communicated to our employees. We sensitise them to behavioural requirements in the area of anti-corruption and ensure that they comply with these.

Our claim has always been that we offer our customers the highest level of quality at reasonable prices whilst always bearing in mind our corporate responsibility. This influences the corporate decisions that are made and our choice of suppliers and partners. We have strict criteria in this regard that are in line with our corporate principles. Environmental protection, fair working conditions and social justice are therefore also the prerequisites for our cooperation partners. The essential standards of behaviour for our business practices are consistently communicated to our employees. We sensitise them to behavioural requirements in the area of anti-corruption and ensure that they comply with these.

As a cashmere specialist, a large proportion of the raw materials used in REPEAT products are of animal origin. What is REPEAT's stance towards animal protection?
The different processes for manufacturing textiles can have negative consequences on the environment. What is REPEAT doing to protect people and nature?
We often hear reports of the controversial practice of "mulesing" in the press. When I buy a pullover from REPEAT, should I worry that the sheep have had to suffer such an ordeal?
Growing mountains of waste are an acute problem. What is REPEAT doing to solve this?
What are REPEAT's principles with regard to employees?
Labour laws differ greatly worldwide. What working conditions do REPEAT and its suppliers offer their workers?