Promotional Terms

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Promotional Terms & Conditions

When do I qualify for a promotional product?

In order to receive a promotional product, customers should meet the conditions which are set out in promotional newsletters and on the website. In some cases a minimum order amount has to be reached to qualify.

How and when will I receive the promotional product?

When you qualify to receive the promotional product, you will receive it together with the products you purchased on

Can I keep the promotional item if I return my web shop order?

When you choose to return your complete purchase, you will be required to also return the promotional product. For all promotional products, their value is shown on your invoice.

If you wish to keep the promotional product, but decide to return your purchase, the value of the promotional product will be deducted from the refund for the merchandise you returned.

If you return only part of your purchase and the remaining order value is lower than the minimum order value, the value of the promotional product will be deducted from the refund for the merchandise you returned.

The remaining order value is calculated by deducting the value of the merchandise you returned (including VAT and standard discounts, excluding the value of the promotional item and the conditional discount associated with the promotional item) from the amount you paid (incl. VAT and applicable discounts) when making your purchase.


When do I qualify for a promotional product?

In order to receive a promotional product, customers should meet the conditions which are set out in promotional newsletters and on the website. In some cases a minimum order amount has to be reached to qualify.

How and when will I receive the promotional product?

When you qualify to receive the promotional product, you will receive it together with the products you purchased on

Can I keep the promotional item if I return my web shop order?

When you choose to return your complete purchase, you will be required to also return the promotional product. For all promotional products, their value is shown on your invoice.

If you wish to keep the promotional product, but decide to return your purchase, the value of the promotional product will be deducted from the refund for the merchandise you returned.

If you return only part of your purchase and the remaining order value is lower than the minimum order value, the value of the promotional product will be deducted from the refund for the merchandise you returned.

The remaining order value is calculated by deducting the value of the merchandise you returned (including VAT and standard discounts, excluding the value of the promotional item and the conditional discount associated with the promotional item) from the amount you paid (incl. VAT and applicable discounts) when making your purchase.