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Verzending en levering

`<div class="shipping-information-wrap">

<div class="shipping-information" id="shipping-information-detail">


Momenteel leveren wij in de meeste Europese landen in samenwerking met onze partner DPD. Verzendingen naar adressen in Nederland, België, Duitsland en Luxemburg zijn gratis voor all bestellingen met een waarde van € 99,- of meer. Voor alle overige landen, kunt u de onderstaande tabel raadplegen.:


<div class="free-shipping-country">

<select name="shipping_country">

<option value="be">België</option>

<option value="cz">Tsjechië</option>

<option value="dk">Denemarken</option>

<option value="fi">Finland</option>

<option value="de">Duitsland</option>

<option value="ie">Ierland</option>

<option value="it">Italië</option>

<option value="lv">Letland</option>

<option value="lt">Litouwen</option>

<option value="lu">Luxemburg</option>

<option value="nl" selected="selected">Nederland</option>

<option value="pr">Portugal</option>

<option value="es">Spanje</option>

<option value="sw">Zweden</option>



<div class="table clearfix shipping-table">

<div class="thead">

<div class="tr">

<div class="th col-shipping-options">Verzendmethode</div>

<div class="th col-delivery-time">Levertijd</div>

<div class="th col-shipping-costs">Verzendkosten</div>

<div class="th col-free-shipping">Gratis verzending vanaf</div>



<div class="tbody">

<div class="tr">

<div class="td col-shipping-options">

<div class="fl">DPD</div>


<div class="td col-delivery-time up">3-6 WERKDAGEN</div>

<div class="td col-shipping-costs">€ 4.95</div>

<div class="td col-free-shipping">€ 99.00</div>


<div class="tr">

<div class="td col-shipping-options">

<div class="fl">PARCEL SHOP</div>


<div class="td col-delivery-time up">3-6 WERKDAGEN</div>

<div class="td col-shipping-costs">€ 4.95</div>

<div class="td col-free-shipping">€ 99.00</div>





* Afhankelijk van de beschikbaarheid van het product<br />

** Verzendkosten worden getoond in Euro inclusief BTW




.free-shipping-country {

margin-top: 15px;

margin-bottom: 15px;


.free-shipping-country select {

line-height: 1.5;




$(function () {

var country_data = {

at: {

dpd: {

title: "DPD",

time: "3-6 WERKDAGEN",

cost: "€ 9.95",

free: "€ 199.00",

icon: "",


parcel: {

title: "PARCEL SHOP",

time: "3-6 WERKDAGEN",

cost: "€ 9.95",

free: "€ 199.00",

icon: "",



be: {

dpd: {

title: "DPD",

time: "3-6WERKDAGEN",

cost: "€ 4.95",

free: "€ 99.00",

icon: "",


parcel: {

title: "PARCEL SHOP",

time: "3-6 WERKDAGEN",

cost: "€ 4.95",

free: "€ 99.00",

icon: "",



cz: {

dpd: {

title: "DHL Express",

time: "3-6 WERKDAGEN",

cost: "€ 19.95",

free: "€ 249.00",

icon: "",



de: {

dpd: {

title: "DPD",

time: "3-6 WERKDAGEN",

cost: "€ 4.95",

free: "€ 99.00",

icon: "",


parcel: {

title: "PARCEL SHOP",

time: "3-6 WERKDAGEN",

cost: "€ 4.95",

free: "€ 99.00",

icon: "",



dk: {

dpd: {

title: "DPD",

time: "3-6 WERKDAGEN",

cost: "€ 12.95",

free: "€ 199.00",

icon: "",


parcel: {

title: "PARCEL SHOP",

time: "3-6 WERKDAGEN",

cost: "€ 12.95",

free: "€ 199.00",

icon: "",



es: {

dpd: {

title: "DHL Express",

time: "3-6 WERKDAGEN",

cost: "€ 19.95",

free: "€ 249.00",

icon: "",



fi: {

dpd: {

title: "DHL Express",

time: "3-6 WERKDAGEN",

cost: "€ 19.95",

free: "€ 249.00",

icon: "",



ie: {

dpd: {

title: "DHL Express",

time: "3-6 WERKDAGEN",

cost: "€ 19.95",

free: "€ 249.00",

icon: "",



it: {

dpd: {

title: "DHL Express",

time: "3-6 WERKDAGEN",

cost: "€ 19.95",

free: "€ 249.00",

icon: "",



lt: {

dpd: {

title: "DHL Express",

time: "3-6 WERKDAGEN",

cost: "€ 19.95",

free: "€ 249.00",

icon: "",



lv: {

dpd: {

title: "DHL Express",

time: "3-6 WERKDAGEN",

cost: "€ 19.95",

free: "€ 249.00",

icon: "",



lu: {

dpd: {

title: "DPD",

time: "3-6 WERKDAGEN",

cost: "€ 4.95",

free: "€ 99.00",

icon: "",


parcel: {

title: "PARCEL SHOP",

time: "3-6 WERKDAGEN",

cost: "€ 4.95",

free: "€ 99.00",

icon: "",



nl: {

dpd: {

title: "DPD",

time: "3-6 WERKDAGEN",

cost: "€ 4.95",

free: "€ 99.00",

icon: "",


parcel: {

title: "PARCEL SHOP",

time: "3-6 WERKDAGEN",

cost: "€ 4.95",

free: "€ 99.00",

icon: "",



pr: {

dpd: {

title: "DPD",

time: "3-6 WERKDAGEN",

cost: "€ 19.95",

free: "€ 249.00",

icon: "",


parcel: {

title: "PARCEL SHOP",

time: "3-6 WERKDAGEN",

cost: "€ 19.95",

free: "€ 249.00",

icon: "",



sw: {

dpd: {

title: "DHL Express",

time: "3-6 WERKDAGEN",

cost: "€ 19.95",

free: "€ 249.00",

icon: "",




$("#shipping-information-detail select").eq(0).off("change");

$("#shipping-information-detail select")


.change(function () {

var country = $(this).val();

if (typeof country_data[country] != "undefined") {

var $container = $("#shipping-information-detail .table .tbody");


Object.entries(country_data[country]).forEach(([key, method]) => {


'<div class="tr"><div class="td col-shipping-options"><div class="fl">' +

method.title +

'</div></div><div class="td col-delivery-time up">' +

method.time +

'</div><div class="td col-shipping-costs">' +

method.cost +

'</div><div class="td col-free-shipping">' + +










Momenteel leveren wij in de meeste Europese landen in samenwerking met onze partner DPD. Verzendingen naar adressen in Nederland, België, Duitsland en Luxemburg zijn gratis voor all bestellingen met een waarde van € 99,- of meer. Voor alle overige landen, kunt u de onderstaande tabel raadplegen.:

Gratis verzending vanaf
€ 4.95
€ 99.00
€ 4.95
€ 99.00

* Afhankelijk van de beschikbaarheid van het product
** Verzendkosten worden getoond in Euro inclusief BTW

Gratis verzending
Laten bezorgen
Wat doet de vervoerder als de klant niet thuis is? (DPD)
Zelf afhalen (DPD)
Volg uw pakket
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