Complaints Procedure

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Complaints procedure

The REPEAT team is doing everything she can to make sure to deliver the best products and service. However, it can happen that a product contains a production fault or that you experience problems with your shipment. In this case, please notify us as soon as possible by contacting our customer service. To help you as good as possible, please provide us with the order number, the article number (if available), a clear description of your complaint and, if possible, a clear photo of the damaged article.

You can reach us via our contact form or by sending us an email on

If you prefer to inform us about your complaint by mail, you can address your letter to:

Repeat Fashion BV

Noorderdreef 68

2153 LL Nieuw-Vennep

The Netherlands

We aim to investigate your complaint within 7 days, but will reply you in writing at the latest within 14 days upon receiving your complaint.

The REPEAT team is doing everything she can to make sure to deliver the best products and service. However, it can happen that a product contains a production fault or that you experience problems with your shipment. In this case, please notify us as soon as possible by contacting our customer service. To help you as good as possible, please provide us with the order number, the article number (if available), a clear description of your complaint and, if possible, a clear photo of the damaged article.

You can reach us via our contact form or by sending us an email on

If you prefer to inform us about your complaint by mail, you can address your letter to:

Repeat Fashion BV

Noorderdreef 68

2153 LL Nieuw-Vennep

The Netherlands

We aim to investigate your complaint within 7 days, but will reply you in writing at the latest within 14 days upon receiving your complaint.