B2B - Agencies

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B2B agencies

REPEAT cashmere stands for high-quality fashion made of premium materials. From timeless, elegant basics to this season's fashionable must-haves, the exclusive design and quality of REPEAT cashmere products speak for themselves.

Our global network of distributors offers you the opportunity to sell our products. Please contact your local sales representative to learn more and to schedule an appointment to experience our collections at a showroom near you.

REPEAT cashmere stands for high-quality fashion made of premium materials. From timeless, elegant basics to this season's fashionable must-haves, the exclusive design and quality of REPEAT cashmere products speak for themselves.

Our global network of distributors offers you the opportunity to sell our products. Please contact your local sales representative to learn more and to schedule an appointment to experience our collections at a showroom near you.

B2B platform NUORDER

The Netherlands

Repeat Fashion BV

Bianca Huveneers

Noorderdreef 72

2153 LL Nieuw-Vennep

Tel: +31 653 712494

Email: bianca.huveneers@repeatgroup.com

Belgium & Luxemburg

Dyco NV/SA

Nadine De Bondt

Boechoutlaan 107

BE-1853 Strombeek-Bever

Tel: +32 495 168558

Email: nd@dyco.be

The Netherlands

Repeat Fashion BV

Bianca Huveneers

Noorderdreef 72

2153 LL Nieuw-Vennep

Tel: +31 653 712494

Email: bianca.huveneers@repeatgroup.com

Belgium & Luxemburg

Dyco NV/SA

Nadine De Bondt

Boechoutlaan 107

BE-1853 Strombeek-Bever

Tel: +32 495 168558


Great Britain & Ireland
North America
Russia & Ukraine
Scandinavia & Baltics